About Ngataringa Organic Garden

The gardens at the Ngataringa Organic Garden site in Lake Road Devonport were first established in 1994 by the Framework Trust, with organic gardens, a plant nursery, and landscape contracting, as a means of supporting people with mental illness.

The Trust gave up the site in 2013 and it was then established as a community garden in 2014. Ngataringa Organic Garden took over the kitchen, toolshed and hothouse established by the Framework Trust. More detail on the early history of the garden can be found here.

Members recently took a decision to become an Incorporated Society, which was established in early 2023.

Since 2014 the garden has continued to expand and now has approximately 60 raised plots of varying sizes and a membership of about 70 people. The garden is run by a committee, and holds regular working bees, social events, an Annual General Meeting, and special meetings from time to time. It hosts visits from Playcentres and early childhood centres, and runs occasional workshops on composting, soil health, pruning and gardening.

The garden operates on an allotment system, where members of the garden are granted care of a plot to grow what they wish. Members are also required to look after the area around the plot they care for, and to follow the Rules and Responsibilities of the Society.

Working bees are held between two and four times per year, and are always followed by a  shared lunch. Social event are held irregularly, but there is always a Christmas event.

Interested in joining us?

We are always grateful to receive donations to assist us with our activities. You can donate tools in good condition that are no longer needed, both large garden tools and small hand tools. Currently we are keen to receive donations of spades, hammers, screwdrivers, and garden hand tools.

You could also consider cash donations to help us with such things as maintenance, replacement of hoses, wheelbarrows, etc. Your donation can be made directly to our bank account at Kiwibank [Name: Ngataringa Organic Garden; Account number 38-9015-0765832-00] but do help our Treasurer by entering your name [only if you wish to do so] in the “Particulars” box, and entering “Donation” in the “Code” box, and the $amount in the “Reference” box.